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NEWS SOURCE: Warner Music Nashville
May 11, 2012

NASHVILLE, TN - (May 11, 2012) - Surrounding this Mother's Day, a few of our Artists shared their family traditions, favorite gifts and ideas, and even a few special stories celebrating their very own Mother's. Happy Mother's Day from Warner Music Nashville and Word Entertainment!

Mother's Day Questions:
1.Do you have a specific Mother's Day Tradition?
2.What are your top 5 Mother's Day gift recommendations?
3.What's the best gift you've ever given? Received?
4.Do you have a Mother's Day quote about your mother/relative/friend/someone special? Or about the day in general?

"Dad and I aren't too good at the culinary thing (like hopeless) so we take mom to a really nice restraint to have a long-relaxing dinner after church on Sunday."

"I think the best thing I ever pulled off was surprising my Mother last year for Mother's Day. I was on my radio tour for weeks at a time and hadn't really planned on coming back home, but I was able to get a flight home to spend time with her. She knew nothing. Booked the flight, stayed at a friend's place the night before, even called her that morning as I was driving up and made her think I was on the road. She was shocked! It went great!"

"I just know that my mother is like the glue to our family. She's the most patient person I know and there's no love like hers because it's unconditional."

"I'm such a writer and my family is very sentimental with written notes and cards. So cards are a huge tradition. Also, I normally put a flower arrangement together for her and we'll grab a meal together as a family. The good life. "

"Cards/Flowers, Massage, Home Cooked Meal, Movie Date, Getting family pics done"

"My mother isn't perfect, but she couldn't love me more, so that's perfect. I pray to love half as hard as her, and then I will love more than most."

"Not really... I never know where I will be (on the road or at home) so we have just always gone with the flow. If I had to name one tradition it would be that we as a family do celebrate Me and that is really all I could ask."

"Not be responsible for cooking ANY meal, presents - like a 120 minute massage and 60 minute facial, being able to watch all the Jane Austin movies I desire, a Nutrageous bar to go along with watching my movies, or a nice "allowance" to be spent at one of my favorite boutiques."

"The best gift was the complete BBC series of Jane Austin - over 100 hours of Jane!!! Love it so much!!! and the coffee mug my daughter painted for me. I drink out of it pretty much every day."

"I am not sure I have a best ever given gift. I honestly can't remember any of them - pitiful right?"

"I remember being in the 8th grade and finally being able to wear make-up. My make-up hand was a little on the heavy handed side... I remember my Mom telling me, " Make -up is to enhance your beauty NOT cover it up." She was right, when I look back at old pictures - I looked like a clown, especially in the 8th grade."

"Not really, except for the fact that i don't have to cook:) Actually, when I was growing up we had these beautiful rose bushes in our backyard. For Mother's day, we would always cut fresh roses and wear them pinned to our dresses on that Sunday Morning."

"If kids are little, then homemade gifts are the sweetest, a massage, clean the kitchen and do all of the laundry for her and tell her to take a few hours to do whatever she wants (nap, sit outside and read a book, take a walk, whatever she wants).

"A new spring outfit, a hand written note of the things you love about her. Or a basket of some of her favorite little things."

"Oh gosh, we don't really make a big deal of it at my house. I have boys and ya know, they don't really think about those things. Haha. Probably a fresh bouquet of tulips with sweet homemade cards and of course, a great steak for lunch."

"Probably the best gift I've given my Mom for mother's day was a trip out to see her grandkids in Nashville and a day out shopping, eating lunch, etc."

"There are so many things about my Mom that I'm thankful for. First and foremost, showing me who Jesus is and teaching me early on to what it looks like to love God and others first. Being a mom can hurt your heart more than anything else in the world. You love your children so much and want the best for them. My Mom prayed for me every day and even when I didn't want to hear anything she had to say, I tucked it away and her words made an imprint in my heart. I may have wondered some days if I had friends or if anyone liked me, but never doubted that I was loved by her. She made sure I knew it."

"Church and lunch at mom's restaurant of choice!"

"Spa gift certificate, favorite magazine subscription, home-made coupons for fun things like "practicing piano without complaining" or "sweep the porch for mom", new summer bathrobe and slippers, a home-made sweet treat"

"My Nespresso machine! As for best given -I honestly have NO idea. We don't do big gifts for Mother's Day."

"My mom is probably the sweetest and most caring person I know. I love the example she has set for my sister and I to "love your neighbor as yourself". Plus, she's the best hostess around! Everything I know about entertaining people in my own home, I most likely learned from her".

I just wrapped up the We Cry Out Tour with Jeremy Camp and Adam Cappa, and I'm beginning to record my Christmas album. It's been a busy and exciting year so far, but I am most excited about welcoming our second child in June! I remember Mother's Day two years ago, when I was pregnant with our son and so excited to meet him and hold him. Once again, Matt and I are full of expectation to meet our daughter, and we will keep you posted on her arrival!

I am so blessed and honored to be a mother, and I am so thankful to my mother and mother-in-law for their encouragement and support. I hope you all have a chance to celebrate your moms and honor them in your own special way!

PHOTO (L to R): Joel Smallbone and Luke Smallbone

Love in Discipline. My Mother's Day Blog
When I was about 13 years old one of my favorite sports to play was tennis. I would take lessons from a coach and would play my older brother who is 7 years older than me alllllll the time to practice so that I could DOMINATE in the local tournaments that I was able to play. Well one issue that I had with tennis was that I hated to lose and always felt like I should win! In the first round of one particular tennis tournament with my Mother in attendance, I got matched up to a kid who was an okay player but was 2 years younger than I was and after sizing him up while warming up, I was convinced that I should really beat this guy. Well, about mid-way through the first set I realized that this guy was a little better than I thought so I tried harder and in doing so, made mistake, after mistake, after mistake. I was getting so angry and after losing an important point, I threw my racket to the ground and said, "COME ON LUKE!" At that very moment I saw my Mum get up and leave the bleachers just outside the tennis court. Needless to say, I lost the match. When I saw my Mother after the match I was like, "Mum, where'd you go?" Her reply was simple and very direct. She said, "I will not watch my son be so disrespectful and incredibly immature. That was no way to handle yourself in a tennis match or in life." I was speechless and realized the way I had carried myself during the match.

My Mother is a rare breed. She's calm, yet confident and loves her family dearly. I'm thankful that my Mother expected more of me. I'm thankful that she disciplined me and spoke about the things that I didn't want to hear. I'm thankful that she told me over and over again that I was a good boy even when I'd let her down because she could see through all the darkness that surrounded my heart. She always believed in me.

So Mother's Day, I'm thankful for the tough love because at 25 years old I see the markings of her careful parenting in my life. I just hope that I can mark my wife and I's future kids with the same sort of love.

Her sons will rise up and call her blessed - A Proverb

Indeed I do. Mum, I love you.

As we are coming up on Mother's Day, this short blog is especially for all you moms out there who put yourselves on the back burner and tirelessly take care of your families. You may be up to your ears in laundry, have food stuck in your hair from lunch, or feel like a taxi service between all your kid's activities, but as the mother of your children, you are irreplaceable. Only you can nurture and care for them as a mother does, understanding their needs even when they are unable to tell you. You offer the first glimpse into the existence of a Savior King as you demonstrate the tender mercy and loving kindness that comes straight from the Father's heart. You exude strength, exercise patience, and give comfort like no one else on earth can. You are a maid, a referee, a teacher, a chef, a driver, and a counselor, just to name a few, and you take on most of these roles all before 9 a.m. in your PJs. Keep up the good work, moms. Never underestimate how God is using you in the lives of your kids, even when you don't see any evidence of it. Find your rest in your time with the Lord and let Him be your strength. He will give you wisdom if only you ask (James 1:5). You are leaving an imprint on your children, and my prayer for you is that is that you would know how loved and valued you are by a Sovereign God who entrusted your little blessings to you. He picked YOU to care for, instruct, discipline, and love your children. May you be reminded every day how important your "job" as Mom really is. Never let anyone undervalue your role in your home or make you feel insignificant. You are impacting little lives for the Kingdom...and I can't think of anything more significant than that.

Galatians 6:9- "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper tie we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."



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